Friday, December 10, 2010

First Semester Finals!

ITGS final is on Friday

Friday, November 12, 2010


- We continued our discussion on chapter 5

Hw: Update blog


-We spent the day working on creating a powerpoint for our ITGS Projects

-Update blogs for blog check next friday
- Work on Powerpoint

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

ITGS Schedule

-Going over book and slides

-Blogs (notes from slides and at home readings)
-Project Discussions

Next Week

Friday: Bring ITGS Project Proposal!!! Be ready to explain it to the Class!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Utility Programs vs. Device Driver

Utility Programs are software that play supporting roles. They are relatively small programs that do a limited amount of tasks. Their tasks may include file management, file search, performing routines to check the performance of the hardware and more.

Device drivers are software that communicate between a computer and a specific hardware device. It acts as a translator between them.

What Does the Operating System Do?????

The operating system is a program designed to run other programs on a computer. The all the different types of Windows are operating systems made by Microsoft.

But what does it do?
  1. It monitors and manages different programs, users, and resources and makes sure they are working smoothly, without interference
  2. Sometimes act as security
  3. Provides a way for application to communicate with the hardware without much difficulty

sources: -How Stuff Works: Operating Systems

- Wise Geek

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Authentication vs. Authorization

Authentication is a mechanism by which a system can accurately and securely identify its user and if that user is really the person he/she represents himself to be.

Authorization on the other hand is a mechanism by which a system determines the amount of access is allowed to particular users for specific resources that under its control.

"Authorization system provide answers to the questions:

  • Is user X authorized to access resource R?
  • Is user X authorized to preform operation P?
  • Is user X authorized to preform operation P on resource R?"


Friday, October 1, 2010


In Class:
Reviewing chapter 2 and 3 for quiz on Wednesday

-Read chapters 2 and 3
-Blogs will be checked on Friday
-What is the difference between authentication and authorization?
research, find examples and post on blog.
- What does the operating system do?
- Are there differences between Utility Programs and Device drivers?
if there are explain the difference.


- Edit Blogs
- Work on ITGS Project Proposal
- Read over notes

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Net Neutrality

Video: FAQ's about Net Neutrality

Articles: What's All the Fuss About Net Neutrality

My Notes (from these sources)
  • Net neutrality: concept that all traffic flows over the Internet without preference
  • Meaning that your isp(internet service providers) wont give preference to one streaming video over another
  • It is how the internet works
  • There is a concern that without formal rules about net neutrality
  • The FCC does not have sufficient jurisdiction over the internet so it cannot enforce net neutrality
  • Congress could enact a legislation to mandate net neutrality but that would be a lengthy process that would include lengthy input from ISPs, content publishers, users and right groups on a medium that is always changing
  • There is a suggested policy framework offered recently by Verizon and google. It suggest formally barring any wired internet provider from discriminating against or prioritizing internet traffic solely to create a competitive advantage
  • But note, that it does not make any mention of wireless networks.It carves those out of the neutrality vision
  • That's where the problem is emerging.
  • some people are worried that this might lead to ISPs trying to control what you can and cannot do on your wireless device
  • As mobile device usage is increasing rapidly, this might can be to an advantage for Verizon (because of its mobile device market share) and google (since it provides the Android and owns YouTube)
  • "Basically, the concern is that anyone using an Android phone on the Verizon network could receive priority while watching YouTube videos, while other video sites received less priority (in other words, the videos would take longer to download). This, of course, could then be extended to other phones and other wireless networks, depending on which company pays the most."
  • controlling what people can or cannot do on their Internet devices (wired or wireless) violates net neutrality.
  • "Tim Berners has said that he didn't need anyone's permission to design the web.'Freedom of connection, with any application, to any party, is the fundamental social basis of the Internet, and, now, the society based on it.'"
  • Tim Berners is the one who invented the worldwide web
  • this is not saying the access should be free, it is saying that you should receive the certain level of connectivity you signed up for
  • "What the supporters of net neutrality are worried about is that:
    -ISPs may decide to prioritize your content based on fees paid for access.
    -ISPs may decide to block content, especially content from their competitors"
My Opinion: I also think that by creating the policy, Google and Verizon are allowing something that has the potential of violating of net neutrality. They will be benefiting from this policy. I'm not sure what a solution can be for net neutrality, but I don't think it should be this one.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

September 15, 2010

What we did:
Went over packet about ITGS Project

1-Brainstorming Social Problems: Come up with 4 projects that you could use for your ITGS project.
2 -Update blog