- I think that if a cure was found then the truth should not be hidden. It does not seem ethical to feed people medicine that can cause some unpredicted health issues when there is a simple solution to the illness. But I do say that if a cure is found then before shutting down huge cold-medicine industry they should take into consideration how the job loss will affect the people. Plans should be made in order to help those people find new jobs (possibly a guaranteed new job)or even a way to support those people if they cannot get a job . I think the same should be applied to jobs that are eliminated due to technological advances. Also people who lose their jobs to this reason can be trained and allowed to work for the company (the new company that is on the rise) that replaced their jobs.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Discussion Question
DQ - If someone discovers a cure for the common cold, should he or she hide it to protect the jobs of all the people who work in the huge cold-medicine industry? Identify reasons why so many people react negatively to advances in technology that eliminates some jobs.