Social & Ethical Issues

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking means correct thinking in the pursuit of relevant & reliable knowledge about the world

A person who thinks critically........DOES WHAT?

  • Asks appropriate questions (not just the regular)
  • Gathers relevant info
  • Efficiently & creatively sorts through the info
  • Reasons with that info
  • Comes to a reliable & trustworthy conclusion
Need a GREAT explanation of this? Watch This


Definition: Someone or something we can rely on

        Reliability refers to the operation of hardware, the design of software and the accuracy of data / its correspondence with the real world. Data may be unreliable if it is entered incorrectly or it it is outdated.

  • For ex.) medical records that become dissociated with its patient
  • Consequence: the wrong medicine may be prescribed to patient, which might have a negatively impact on the patients health

How would we judge the reliability of Internet?
-reaction speed?

How about software?
-meets expectations
-nice and easy to use
-the way it performs

When software becomes outdated, what happens?
- Some features don't work
-Becomes vulnerable to attacks from outside (such as viruses)
-Has lots of bugs (yuck! just kidding, bugs in computer terms means defects)


Refers to the correspondence of data with itself at its creation. Data lacks integrity when it has been changed accidentally or tampered with.

For ex: A hacker might change his driver licensee data resulting in the arrest of an innocent person.

Education & Training

Video Notes
  • Chatham High school in  New Jersey
  •  Trying harder to capture students attention, students have to be entertained
  • " ....have to cut through media to capture their attention"
  • " Cant possibly expect a learner of today to be engrossed by someone who speaks in a monotone voice with a piece of chalk in their hand"
  •  Smart Board & LCD projectors in every classroom
  • There's debate whether to fight against it or just accept it as a reality
  • Without all the technology in the classroom it's like a desert
  •  Students are use to immediate response, they can't focus  in class
  • Teachers who have taught for 30 years are struggling
  • Rose Porpora says her time is over
  • Students struggle without the technology
  • Students don't read books, they just use spark notes
Social impact:
  • Students are becoming to dependent on technology
  • Disconnection/problems with communication between students and teacher
  • Students will have harder time communicating with those who are less advanced in technology than them
  • Students begin to have more confidence than teachers
  • Constant need of entertainment
  • Students dependence on technology prevents them from using their brain ( pretty soon they will forget how to do basic things without it